Anatomy Structure and location of the clitoris Various diagrams and descriptions show structure of the clitoris and what it consists of – a drawing, a 3D model, a photograph.
Anatomy Cervical massage during yoni massage During yoni massage, it is important to reach the cervix and turn it on, both physically and energetically.
Anatomy Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems The work of internal organs is regulated by two nervous systems. One is responsible for stress, the other for feeling.
Anatomy Yoni massage: to teach squirt in one hour Squirting is a complex process in which the masseur greatly changes the girl’s body mode of operation. This takes time.
History and theory Yoni massage: what are chakras Many spiritual practices use the concept that in the human body there are energy centers, chakras, which transform energy.
History and theory Nadi channels: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna In the human body, energy moves through special channels – nadi. How to awaken the most important nadi – Ida, Pingala, Sushumna.
Anatomy Yoni massage: tantric carpopedal spasms Sometimes during a yoni massage a girl’s hands twist in very strange positions. Why is this and what to do?
Yoni massage Body reactions: there will be no yoni massage Sometimes very strong reactions occur already during the body massage. In this case, it is not advisable to perform yoni massage.
Anatomy Yoni massage: scars and the movement of energy Yoni massage awakens energy and raises it throughout the body. If there are scars, the energy moves with difficulty.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: don’t keep it in yourself After the massage I give a recommendation: if something comes up – don’t keep it in yourself. Talk about it with someone.
Yoni massage Education: bold, determined, willing to learn Men who come to yoni massage training bring with them habitual patterns of behavior. How to help change them.
Yoni massage Yawning and jaw relaxation during yoni massage During yoni massage many girls clench their teeth tightly. How to help her relax her jaw and start sounding.
History and theory The seven belts of Wilhelm Reich Wilhelm Reich has long studied the layers of muscle tension in the human body. In yoni massage, you need to relax these belts.
History and theory What is healing crisis in yoni massage? Sometimes after a healing effect on the body there is a temporary deterioration in health. Why is this and how to survive it.
History and theory Two types of stress in yoni massage: distress and eustress There are two types of stress: distress and eustress, “bad” and “good”. How to use them during yoni massage.
History and theory Neuroception as a danger assessment system To detect danger, the body uses a complex process called neuroception. How this process works during yoni massage.
History and theory Breuer and Grof reactions in yoni massage In yoni massage, two reactions can occur: catharsis, which was studied by Breuer, or muscle twisting, which was studied by Grof.
Yoni massage Breathing preparation for yoni massage How to learn to change the body’s operating modes with breathing: change male to female, sympathetic to parasympathetic.
History and theory Hydraulic theory of emotions in yoni massage Steam engine, throwing coal, safety valve and excess steam release… How to use all this in yoni massage.
Yoni massage Ujjayi breathing during yoni massage Ujjayi is a breathing exercise from yoga. It helps you to relax, slow down and start feeling yourself and your body.
History and theory Ananga Ranga on the anatomy of the G-spot Ananga Ranga is an ancient Indian guide to family life. It has a section on female anatomy and the G-spot.
Anatomy Releasing trauma in yoni massage How trauma gets stuck in the body, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and what to do with all this during yoni massage.
Yoni massage Big draw in yoni massage for energy distribution A practice that during yoni massage can help energy break through the ocean of illusions and rise up the spine.
Anatomy The simple secret to long lasting yoni massage Muscles perform many functions in the body. Why does the hand burn with fire, who are the antagonists and how do they affect yoni massage.
History and theory Yoni massage: alcohol and substances Joy, euphoria, every cell vibrates from energy – the sensations that occur from a massage in the body. In the body free of alcohol.
History and theory Why prelude is necessary at different levels of sex Foreplay, warming up… Often men don’t understand why all this is necessary, what it is and what it can give to a couple.
Anatomy Hormones of yoni massage under the microscope Massage changes the body chemistry. Photographs of hormones changing during yoni massage, taken with a polarizing microscope.
History and theory External and internal motivation for learning Why do people come to learn yoni massage, how to classify motivation and who achieves the best results in this matter.
History and theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and chakras Similarities and differences between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the tantric concept of the seven chakras.
Yoni massage Question: How to choose a yoni massage therapist? Choosing is not easy. What criteria should you use to choose the yoni massage therapist that is most suitable for you?
Yoni massage Yoni massage: four tantric movements How to take a girl through four states using four tantric movements during yoni massage: Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
Anatomy Will there be an altered state of consciousness? The answer to the question before the massage about the altered state of consciousness. And what effects occur after the yoni massage.
Yoni massage How many yoni massage sessions are needed? Description of the various stages a girl goes through during different yoni massage sessions: from pain to thoughts.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: emotional blocking in stressful situations Everyone experiences stressful situations in life. If a person cannot express the emotions that arise, they will get stuck in the body.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: all attention – in body sensations Yoni massage from the point of view of the theory of information systems and the laws of biological homeostasis.
Anatomy Yoni massage: slow deep breathing Different types of breathing and the importance of diaphragm for the switching to the parasympathetic nervous system during yoni massage.
Anatomy Lymphatic system and yoni massage Working with the lymphatic system in yoni massage. What is lymph, how it moves, what to do with it during massage.
History and theory Orgasm on tension and orgasm on relaxation There are orgasms that require you to tense your muscles, and there are different type – that require you to simply relax.
Yoni massage Recommendations after yoni massage Recommendations and advices after the completion of the yoni massage. What to do with the energy and rising emotions.
Anatomy The vagus nerve and its functions About the vagus nerve – the longest nerve in the body, about the relaxation it enables and about its connection with energy channels.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: breath, sound, movement In order for the massage to move the energy in the body, it is important to use tantric principles – breathing, sound, movement.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: how to gain client`s trust Prove, explain, reassure – this is what needs to be done to make a girl trust the yoni massage master. Repeat it on different stages.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: breath and relax How to use your breath to switch between two ways of moving energy in the body – focused and unfocused.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: everything that rises – let it go Massage can trigger a powerful process of releasing emotions blocked in the body. What to do with it and how to endure it.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: Resentment towards yourself Sometimes the emotions are ready to come out, but the woman carefully holds them in. She needs a little push to release it.
Yoni massage Yoni massage: allowing yourself to simply accept Description of two opposite energies, female “accepting” and male “doing”, and their interaction during yoni massage.
Anatomy Homunculus and the four nerves of female orgasm Scientific research into the nerves and brain regions that respond to different stimulation is proof that all orgasms are different.
Anatomy Yoni massage: I don’t understand what that was After the massage there is time to discuss the sensations. But some girls cannot formulate anything in words. Why is that?
Anatomy Yoni massage: oxytocin and vasopressin A scientific explanation of why a girl needs to be completely relaxed and trusting in order to squirt on yoni massage.
History and theory Yoni massage: the fifth level of consciousness About the enabling of an unusual mode of operation of the nervous system, in which tastes, sounds and touches become very acute.
History and theory Yoni massage: prana and perinatal matrices How are the ancient prana energy, breath control and the modern concept of the near-birth process related?