Yoni massage: I don’t understand what that was

After the massage there is time to discuss the sensations. But some girls cannot formulate anything in words. Why is that?

After a massage, I offer the woman the chance to discuss what happened, what surfaced, what was felt. Very often, at that moment, she might say something like:

  • “I don’t understand what that was.”
  • “I can’t gather my thoughts.”
  • “I can’t describe it in words.”

What on earth?… Could they have conspired with each other?…

Let’s try to find an explanation.

The brain of all vertebrates is divided into three parts, each performing different functions. In the 1960s, American neurobiologist Paul MacLean proposed the following explanation for this division in the human brain:

  • At the core lies the reptilian brain – responsible for primitive instincts, such as survival and reproduction.
  • The limbic system – responsible for emotions and feelings.
  • The neocortex – responsible for higher functions – consciousness, cognition, formulation, speech. That’s the understanding.

We all experience stressful events. The reptilian brain automatically activates the “fight or flight” response. After the stress situation ends, the limbic system works – expressing the remnants of stress in the form of emotions or body tremors. And only then does the realization come – what, how, why, for what reason.

During the massage, through breathing and sloooooow movements, we slightly inhibit the work of the neocortex. The desire to think doesn’t arise. We don’t push it to stress – the reptilian brain doesn’t activate. There’s no urge to fight or flee.

The brain switches to a "middle position" - the limbic system (from the Latin limbus - border).

Some people experience body tremors or hand contortions (muscle spasms). Others feel emotions. Re-experiencing everything that wasn’t realized during the stressful situation and got stuck in the body.

Throughout this time, the neocortex is slightly inhibited, the ability to understand/speak/formulate is turned off. It takes some time for it to switch on and return to its usual mode of operation. Hence, those very answers – “I don’t understand.”

Modern neurobiologists claim that, in reality, everything is much more complex. From an evolutionary standpoint, the theory is incorrect. But on a practical level, it accurately describes the facts.

So, after a yoni massage, I simply tell the woman: "Don't rush to engage your mind. Stay in this state. Understanding will come a bit later."

Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.


Yoni massage course and book

Online course

How to do yoni massage

17 video lessons

Amazon book

How to do yoni massage

Ebook or paper