Yoni massage: tantric carpopedal spasms

Sometimes during a yoni massage a girl's hands twist in very strange positions. Why is this and what to do?

Carpopedal spasms (latin carpopedalis: “carpus” wrist + “pedis” foot) are muscle spasms that sometimes occur during yoni massage.

They usually manifest as hands (and sometimes feet) twisted in a strange position. It is impossible to straighten the hand for some time. Most often painless, occasionally painful. Accompanied by a tingling sensation. They can scare a girl – “I can’t feel my hands”.

Medicine explains this by the increase in action potentials in nerve cells due to a temporary imbalance of calcium. The nerves are constantly sending impulses to the muscles and the muscles do not have time to relax. Why after several sessions of yoni massage these spasms go away and do not return – medicine is unable to explain.

Specialists in psychosomatics and holotropic breathing explain this by re-experiencing some unexpressed stressful situation stuck in the body. The body remembers the situation, manifests it outwardly, the situation goes away.

Tantra explains this by the movement of energy through some energy block in the body.

We awakened the energy, showed the energy the direction up the body. The energy along the way captures everything that prevents it from moving, and carries it away in a powerful stream. This version can be confirmed by the fact that the spasmodic palms and fingers are very hot.

What to do with this?

Pause the actions and carefully observe the girl’s condition. If she breathes quickly and creates hyperventilation, we remind her of the importance of breathing with her stomach. If she breathes slowly with her stomach, we slowly continue the massage. Calm her down with the phrase:

“Everything is fine. Nothing terrible is happening. Don’t try to do anything about it. Don’t try to unclench your hands. Just breathe.”

In a few minutes, the spasms disappear without a trace.

Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.


Yoni massage course and book

Online course

How to do yoni massage

17 video lessons

Amazon book

How to do yoni massage

Ebook or paper