Ujjayi breathing during yoni massage

Ujjayi is a breathing exercise from yoga. It helps you to relax, slow down and start feeling yourself and your body.

Ujjayi is a special type of pranayama, a breathing exercise in yoga. Like many other yoga techniques, it can be used in yoni massage to work with energy.

Sometimes it is called the breath of the ocean, the breath of Darth Vader or the breath of the snake. The literal translation from ancient Indian Sanskrit is an excellent path to victory.

To perform it, you need to slightly squeeze your throat – this is how you breathe when you need to breathe on a mirror or glasses so that it fogs up. It sounds like a light whisper. It can be done with an open mouth, breathing through the mouth, or with a closed mouth, breathing through the nose.

This breathing can be used for the deepest possible immersion in the relaxation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Under the jaw on the neck are the carotid sinuses – small nerve plexuses. These are sensors that measure blood pressure. When a person breathes ujjayi, the compressed air flow through the throat affects these sinuses. The sensors send a signal to the brain — high blood pressure.

The brain loves balance — a phenomenon called homeostasis. Therefore, it enhances the work of the parasympathetic nervous system — rest, relaxation, digestion, stability of arousal. Blood pressure decreases, the heartbeat slows down, muscle tone decreases, the stress response “fight or flight” ends (many people live chronically in this reaction).

If the person doing the massage breathes this type of breathing, they increases their own relaxation, slowing down and the ability to feel subtle signals.

This state is transmitted to the girl, who, because of this, also slows down — as much as she can.

She does not need to breathe this way. This creates a slight resistance to the air flow, and in the massage she needs the most possible relaxed air flow (prana). If she is not a long-time yogi with experience — she will quickly get tired of breathing like this.

Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.


Yoni massage course and book

Online course

How to do yoni massage

17 video lessons

Amazon book

How to do yoni massage

Ebook or paper