Before the massage I say: “Yoni massage consists of two parts. First, a general body massage. Then, if you are ready, we proceed to the yoni massage.”
This is almost always the case. But sometimes there are exceptions.
The energy awakened in the body along the way captures all the situations you have not lived through. Everything that you could not express in the moment. Everything that you have packed in the body.
Most often it is expressed by a short burst of emotions – less than a minute long.
But sometimes suuuuch a reserve of accumulated go outside...
It all starts with a chest massage. Heart. Love and acceptance. Of yourself and other people. And, of course, hatred and rejection.
A couple of times these reserves broke through with continuous tears. Tears begin, convulsive crying, and flow continuously throughout the entire further massage of the front part of the body.
A couple of times it was a severe cough with a powerful expectoration of mucus and redness of the neck from tension. Presumably with an increase in blood pressure. Just keep up with handing out paper towels.
Once it was nausea and vomiting.
In these cases, most often the girls themselves understand that yoni massage will be superfluous to all this. We finish the general body massage and smoothly finish the process.
Once the girl insisted on continuing, coughing at me even when I had not touched her. I felt that no, she would not stand it. I had to refuse her. Continuing to cough, she showed her displeasure with her whole appearance.
So be prepared for the fact that your body's reaction to the first yoni massage may be completely different from what your mind had thought up in advance.
Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.