There are two nervous systems responsible for the functioning of the internal organs.
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the reaction to stress. A big dog barked, a boss yelled, a rocket flew in, a car braked sharply screeched at a pedestrian crossing, a maniac attacked without a half-hour foreplay – the heartbeat in the body quickens, blood pressure rises, muscle tone increases, hormones are released into the blood, activating the body.
From the point of view of tantra, the Pingala energy channel is activated – the male energy of action.
The “fight or flight” reaction – the body is ready to survive. In this state, functions unnecessary for survival are turned off – for example, the ability to feel subtle signals of the body.
If you are distracted by trifles - you may not survive.
When the danger passes, the brain sends a signal to the body that it is possible to relax and “process” those hormones, the energy that was released. This processing occurs in the form of emotions or shaking of the body.
If for some reason there is no way to react like this (the boss won’t understand, you need to demonstrate courage in front of the children) — all the unrealized tension will get stuck in the body. The brain can be chronically in a “fight or flight” state. The work of some parts of the brain is disrupted — the amygdala, the hippocampus.
Official medicine calls this the term PTSD. Tantra calls it energy stuck in the body.
In yoni massage, it is important to turn off this sympathetic nervous system. Convince the girl’s body that nothing is threatening her now. And then the parasympathetic nervous system turns on — rest, relaxation, digestion of food, stability of arousal.
If we draw an analogy with energy channels — slow down the work of Pingala and strengthen the work of Ida. Shift the balance of the girl’s energies towards the feminine ability to accept.
And the ability to FEEL.
If the body is not in danger — the brain turns on this ability again.
There is no danger => the body relaxes => the body switches on the reliving of stuck stressful situations => there are fewer stuck stressful situations left in the body => it is easier for the girl to switch between the body’s operating modes => the girl feels the subtle signals of the body much better.
Also during love making.
Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.