Many schools of tantra and yoga believe that the main goal of a person in life is to awaken the energy in the pelvic area and raise it up to the crown.
Then an altered state of consciousness occurs. Different schools call it differently – samadhi, enlightenment, awakening, self-realization, connection with the universe.
In the human body, energy moves along energy channels. Three main channels are Sushumna, Ida, Pingala.
In ordinary life, Ida and Pingala work in us and periodically replace each other.
To get into the unusual state, you need to "stop" the movement of energy along Ida and Pingala and redirect it to the central channel Sushumna.
During yoni massage, this happens by itself for some girls. The energy is not concentrated in the pelvis and freely disperses throughout the body.
Other girls have the energy not flowing through the body. It can judged by the temperature: the pelvic area is burning, the stomach is hot, then there is a border approximately at the solar plexus (in yoga it is called the Void – the ocean of illusions) and above it all is cold.
You need to help her.
One of the options to do this is by holding your breath and specially tensing the body.
Yogi have been studying breathing exercises and all the intricacies of various breath holds for a long time.
During the massage, I do not have time to explain the details at length, so I ask her to perform the simplest version of holding – Mantak Chia calls it “the big draw”.
I ask her to take a deep breath, hold her breath and during this hold simultaneously tense all the muscles of the body. Eyes, jaws, neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, back, buttocks, legs, fingertips, toes. And hold the strongest possible compression for as long as she can, until the air runs out. When she gets tired - relax.
After relaxation, the energy breaks through so strongly that the girl sometimes bounces on the table.
From a scientific point of view, Joe Dispenza explains that such compression pushes the cerebrospinal fluid in the spine and it activates special crystals in the brain, which launch powerful biochemical processes.
Other details of the massage are described in the online course about yoni massage.